Wayang spellhunter source
Wayang spellhunter source



You pick 'Quicken Spell' and 'Umbral Spell' as your free prerequisite-bypassing metamagics. Sacred Geometry is one of the best feats in the game by far). Then you take the Sacred Geometry feat (if it doesn't meet your bar for 'worth it', nothing does.

wayang spellhunter source

First, you take the Wayang Spellhunter trait and pick true strike. Now, how you get at-will quickened true strike is a little complicated. In games that allow some means to access at-will quickened true strike I can generally assume my PC's first attack will hit.

wayang spellhunter source

And at earlier levels, the effects are even stronger. I mean, the Tarrasque has 40 AC so even with wizard BAB and just 2 Dex you are hitting that on a 10+ at level 17. It's enough that you can pretty much not worry about the rest of your attack bonus until very high levels. This works extremely well on a sniper or similar character- it works much less well on a character that intends to make more than two attacks per round, as an arcane trickster may well want to do. So, the basic idea is to sacrifice your swift action to give yourself +20 to hit with your first attack every round (and your second attack as well if you have a round to prepare or don't attack on a round for whatever reason) as a cantrip. There will be a section at the end detailing these issues in terms of what's broken and how everything fits together. The following trick works with the RAW but exploits several problems in the rules. Bards can also cast many of the spells I mentioned above, as well as a few specific spells like Good Hope.Ĭlerics and the like can provide their own buffs, the most obvious of which are Bless and Prayer. A bard's Inspire Courage gives a competence bonus to attack rolls based on the bard's level. Alliesĭepending on your party, your allies may also be able to help with this. As a bonus, scoring a crit on a flanked enemy provokes an attack of opportunity. If you're planning on flanking in melee, the Outflank teamwork feat gives you an extra +2 when flanking with someone else who has the feat.


The cracked version is only 4,000gp and still boosts attack rolls.Ī Belt of Incredible Dexterity increases your Dex more or less permanently (note that this doesn't stack with Cat's Grace). ItemsĪ Pale Green Prism ioun stone grants you a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls, among other bonuses. This lets you sneak attack a target without being hidden or having a flanking partner. Spells like Hold Person and Overwhelming Grief are particularly noteworthy because they deny the target its Dex bonus. You also have a number of spells that can make enemies easier to hit if they fail to save, such as Blindness/Deafness, Ray of Exhaustion, Slow, and Web. True Strike basically guarantees that you'll hit, though it only affects a single attack roll.

wayang spellhunter source

Casting Reduce Person on yourself increases your Dex and gives you a size bonus on attack rolls. Cat's Grace gives you a +4 enhancement bonus to Dex, for another +2 to hit. Haste provides is a full-party buff that provides both an extra attack and a +1 on attack rolls. Heroism is a nice, long-lasting buff that provides a +2 on many rolls, include attacks. Since opponents who can't see you are denied their Dex bonus, that further reduces the AC target you need to hit. If not, you'll need to be unseen to deal sneak attack damage for an Arcane Trickster, the obvious solutions are spells like Greater Invisibility ( Darkness can also work if you have darkvision). If you plan on flanking in melee, you'll get a bonus from that.

wayang spellhunter source

For many enemies touch AC is much lower than their regular AC, so that helps a lot. Even low-level spells like Acid Splash and Snowball allow this. Sure, you need to be hitting to deal sneak attack damage, but as an Arcane Trickster you'll often be able to target touch AC. I'm not sure that you need that high of an attack bonus.

Wayang spellhunter source